Holton, KS
for sale
goats require companionship with other goats, all goats are required to go to homes already consisting of goats or be purchased in pairs, absolutely no exception to this rule for our new goat owners. deposit is half down and non refundable, no exceptions, our goats are raised as livestock animals and not house hold pets but all are very friendly and have strong personalities. New homes must familiarize themselves with necessary housing for these goats before we approve new home, these small goats require special fencing. Please read entire sales policy before considering purchasing a goat from us
S1 doeling $ 400
DOB: 2/27/2024
Black with some white, brown eyes, frosted nose and ears, polled
AW 3 Acres 'you name her'
D: AW 3 Acres Sterling
DD: Baumgartner Acres Liberty
DS: Seven Winds Im King of Hearts *B
S: Gardenviewfarm JPJ Justintime *B
SS: Old Mountain Farm Justplainjoe +*B
SD: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Lupita Nyongo 1*M VEEE90
S2 Registered buck $300
wether/non reg buck $100
DOB: 2/28/2024
Buckskin, brown eyes, disbudded, possible moonspots
AW 3 Acres 'you name him'
S: Dill's DD Up Town*B
SS: Dill's ROR Dilly Dilly
SD: SG Dill's H Up Yours 3*M VEEE90
D: Critter Grove C's Nicole
DS: Praire Wood CG's Caesar
DD: Praire Wood CG's Breezin Bella
S3 wether/non registered buck $100
DOB: 3/14/2024
Buckskin with roaning and blue eyes
S5 Doeling $ 600
DOB: 3/15/2024
Silver, brown eyes
AW 3 Acres 'you name her'
D: Celtic Pride Farm Agnes 1 Sock
DD: Cade's Lil Farm SE Strawberry
DS: Tiny Angels Jacques Cousteau
S: AW 3 Acres Tinsel
SS: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime *B
SD: Baumgartner Acres Liberty
S6 Doeling $ 400
DOB: 3/15/2024
Buckskin with blue eyes
AW 3 Acres 'you name her'
D: Celtic Pride Farm Agnes 1 Sock
DD: Cade's Lil Farm SE Strawberry
DS: Tiny Angels Jacques Cousteau
S: AW 3 Acres Tinsel
SS: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime *B
SD: Baumgartner Acres Liberty
S7 non registered buck/wether $100
DOB: 3/15/2024
Black and white blue eyes
S8 doeling $400
DOB: 3/16/2024
Buckskin with blue eyes​
AW 3 Acres 'you name her'
D: 3 Sons CMB Dixie Rae
DD: 5 Fold Farm HB Ellie Mae
DS: GCH Rosashar PLW Call methe Breeze *B
S: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime *B
SS: Old Mountain Farm JustPlainJoe +*B
SD: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Lupita Nyongo 1*M
S9 registered buck $300
non reg buck/wether $100
DOB: 3/16/2024
White and black with blue eyes​
AW 3 Acres 'you name him'
D: 3 Sons CMB Dixie Rae
DD: 5 Fold Farm HB Ellie Mae
DS: GCH Rosashar PLW Call methe Breeze *B
S: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime *B
SS: Old Mountain Farm JustPlainJoe +*B
SD: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Lupita Nyongo 1*M
S10 non reg buck/wether $100
DOB: 3/16/2024
Brown with blue eyes​
S11 doeling $400
DOB: 3/17/2024
Buckskin with blue eyes and roaning​
AW 3 Acres 'you name her'
D: AW 3 Acres Ebony
DD: Day Dreamin' Dairy Moonshine Mary
DS: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime *B
S: Cedar View Titan *B
SS: Little Tots Estate Cloudancing +*B
SD: GCH Little Tots Estate Paeonia 1*M
S12 doeling $400
DOB: 3/17/2024
Chamiosee with roaning, brown eyes​
AW 3 Acres 'you name her'
D: AW 3 Acres Ebony
DD: Day Dreamin' Dairy Moonshine Mary
DS: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime *B
S: Cedar View Titan *B
SS: Little Tots Estate Cloudancing +*B
SD: GCH Little Tots Estate Paeonia 1*M
S14 doeling $400
DOB: 3/18/2024
Bezoar with brown eyes​
AW 3 Acres 'you name her'
D: Heaven's Hollow Blueberry
DD: CH Elmwood Sunflower's Gloriana
DS: Simple Pleasures Keene Bop
S: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime *B
SS: Old Mountain Farm JustPlainJoe +*B
SD: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Lupita Nyongo 1*M
S15 buckling registered $400 - sold
DOB: 3/20/2024
Black, roaning, white, moonspot, blue eyes​
AW 3 Acres 'you name him'
D: Top Hat Farm Q Capella
DD: Top Hat Farm D Dealer Beware 1*M
DS: Farm Oldesouth SR Sun Quasar *B
S: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime*B
SS: Old Mountain Farm JustPlainJoe +*B
SD: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Lupita Nyongo1*M
S16 doeling $400
DOB: 4/19/2024
Silver with blue eyes
AW 3 Acres 'you name her'
D: Baumgartner Acres Lillie Mae 1*M
DD: 5 Fold Farm HB Ellie Mae
DS: Heaven's Hollow Lazarus
S: AW 3 Acres Tinsel
SS: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime *B
SD: Baumgartner Acres Liberty
S17 non reg buck/wether TBD
DOB: 4/19/2024
Silver with brown eyes
S18 registered doe $800
DOB: 4/19/2024
Buckskin with brown eyes, this is one of my keepers that I prefer not to part with but will for this price
AW 3 Acres 'you name her'
D: Dill's CH Merlot
DD: Dill's BH Fiesty 3*M
DS: Dill's B & R Church *B
S: Dill's DD Up Town *B
SS: Dill's ROR Dilly Dilly
SD: Dill's H Up Yours 3*M
S19 registered buck $600
DOB: 5/5/2024
Buckskin with heavy moonspots
AW 3 Acres 'you name him'
D: Dill's DD Raggedy Ann
DD: Dill's FW Pretty Little Liar 3*M
DS: Dill's ROR Dilly Dilly *B
S: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime*B
SS: Old Mountain Farm JustPlainJoe +*B
SD: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Lupita Nyongo1*M
S21 doeling $800
DOB: 5/9/2024
Gold and white, brown eyes, another keeper I prefer not to part with but will for this price
AW 3 Acres 'you name her'
D: Texas Skyz FV Arwen 4*M
DD: SG Open Hands Farm TUX Buttercup 3*M
DS: Texas Skyz LT Freedom Bell *B
S: Dill's DD Up Town *B
SS: Dill's ROR Dilly Dilly
SD: SG Dill's H Up Yours 3*M VEEE91
S22 doeling $400
DOB: 5/15/2024
Swiss buckskin combo, brown eyes
AW 3 Acres 'you name her'
D: Baumgartner Acres Liberty
DD: Elmwood Sunflower's Marigold
DS: Flat Rock's Blue Chrome
S: Dill's DD Up Town *B
SS: Dill's ROR Dilly Dilly
SD: SG Dill's H Up Yours 3*M VEEE91
3 sons cmb Dixie mae
for sale in milk $500
S: GCH Rosasharn PLW Call Methe Breeze *B 88VEE
SS: Rosasharn Prince Liteningwelk +*B 89VEE
SD: Rosasharn SH Lyric 5*M
D: 5 Fold Farm HB Ellie Mae
DS: SG Dill's B & R Hillybilly Bone +*B 90VEE
DD: SG TX Twincreeks B Pretty Pyro 88VE+E
Chocolate and white with frosting, Dixie has a promising young udder with great attachment, lovely teats and strong medial support. Dixie is a smaller doe but very dairy in her conformation.
Baumgartner Acres Lillie mae 1*M
For Sale$ 200
(her right udder is damaged and no longer makes milk)
S: Heaven's Hollow Lazarus
SS: CH Heaven's Hollow Majesty *B
SD: CH Heaven's Hollow Dawn
D: 5 Fold Farm HB Ellie Mae
DS: SG Dill's B&R Hillybilly Bone +*B
DD: SG TX Twincreeks B Pretty Pyro
brown and tan
stick and stones ch robin
for sale open $ 400
S: Dill's BM Chevrolet *B
SS: Dill's B&R Beer Money *B
SD: Dill's XM Avalon 1*M
D: Elmwood Sunflower's Meadowlark 2*M
DS: Flat Rocks Lustrous
DD: GCH Elmwood Columbine's Sunflower 1*M
White and orange